Why we chose Rewards vs Free Delivery

Rewards vs Free Delivery can be a big decision for any company. Free Delivery seems to be used everywhere. Because of this we thought our customers expected us to implement it. However, after careful consideration we realized that Rewards were a much better option for our customers. We wrote this short blog to go through our process in this determination, and why it works for our business.

A Brief Business Description

ACRA offers a wide range of products, but the focus of this was on our online sales. Our online shop sells cleaning products, tools and some basic equipment. While the sales of the tools and basic equipment makes up the bulk of our online sales in value, the bulk of our orders come from the much smaller sales of cleaning products.

Purchases for the cleaning stock is very low, with the cost of the item often being equal to the cost of delivery. Even without free delivery, these customers are still buying. We cannot offer free delivery for these orders, as there is not enough profit to cover the cost of delivery.

Analysing the Data

We thought of perhaps offering Free delivery on orders over a certain threshold. However, the fact that we were getting orders from customers who were willing to pay the delivery on a single really low value item made us realize that trying to push them to purchase a higher value for free delivery would not work. If they wanted to mitigate the cost of delivery they simply had to purchase more than one of the items, which they were not doing. So we discovered that implementing any kind of threshold to get Free Delivery was not going to work for these customers.

While it was easy to exclude these customers since they were low value, we wanted all our customers to benefit. While these low value orders did not make up a huge amount of our sales in value, they were keeping us busy with regards to the volume of orders. If we implemented free delivery with a threshold the reality was the vast majority of our customers would not benefit.

Free Delivery vs Rewards

Implementing a Rewards program was the answer for us. By adding a reward on each purchase we benefit all of our customers, not just the ones that pay more on our site. At ACRA each customer is important to us, regardless of how much they will spend. And of course, if we can keep our customers coming back we all win.

Tips for Working From Home

With the new lockdown many people are going to be working from home.  This can be rewarding and provide a level of flexibility that you cannot get from an in-office job.  But many people think that working from home is as simple as setting up a work desk with power, internet and communications.  After all, that is what you have at work – a desk, your online computer and perhaps a landline.  Why should working from home be any different?

Working from home is not just about setting up your workspace

Working from home is not just about setting up a remote place to work.  To successfully work from home there are some fundamental differences between a work desk and a remote desk that you need to know.  And before you ask ‘is this all about self commitment?’, No, although self commitment plays an important role when working from home.  There are abundant resources on the internet regarding tips and tricks for self commitment and staying focused if you need.  While having a proper, well equipped space to work and reading up about and being ready to face the required self commitment is critical to your work from home success, there are some other things that many people overlook.

Extra tips for successfully working from home

Remember to move

This might sound odd, but it is important.  People who work from home move around much less than those in an office.  Just think of how far the rest rooms, kitchen/cafeteria or smoking/social areas are from your desk in comparison to your home.  And that does not even take into account your travel to work; even if you go in your own vehicle, you still have to go out to the car and go into your work place from the car park.  At the office we are also more inclined to walk to a colleagues desk to get something or to the board room for a meeting.  All these little things add up.  So remember to get up and move around often.

Covid can actually assist you with this.  Setting up a regular workstation sanitising routine (check out our convenient Corona Virus Killing spray HERE and Keyboard and Hand Sanitiser Spray HERE).  You might be working from home but you must still sanitise your workspace regularly.  We would even go so far as to say you should use a fogger canister (CLICK HERE) once a week but at the very least every third week.


This is a difficult one as the office environment allows you to communicate with others in your office without consciously trying to.  It might be a simple nod of support and encouragement from your fellow colleagues before a big meeting; Or a colleague that is not busy stepping in to help you when they notice you have too much on your plate.  You will be surprised at how many little things are sorted out effortlessly in passing or casual conversation.

Remote working environments often fall short in effortless and effective communication.  Little things pop up all the time; and sometimes you feel these things are too little or unimportant to bring up in a formal meeting.  The problem is these little things quickly grow into bigger things.

Some companies request employees to share a ‘working document’; this is a document, spreadsheet or program where all issues big and small are added.  Before a meeting everyone is asked to go over the document and answer relevant queries.  This allows individuals to answer questions directly and remove little items from the list.  By the time the formal ‘live’ meeting is held, all the little items should already be off the agenda.

There is much more to working from home that has not been covered here, such as how to sit, air circulation and so much more.  If you liked this post let us know and we will look at doing more like it going forward.

Photo by Denise Jans on Unsplash

Fogging Machines and Fogging Canisters

Why use a Fogging Machine or a Fogging Canister?

Contamination of surfaces regularly touched by employees and customers and airborne droplets are one of the main ways COVID-19 spreads.  For this reason many people are looking into the benefits of fogging machines and/or canisters.

It is more important now than ever before that businesses and homes are thoroughly sanitised. This is not only an inconvenience, but it can be costly in relation to the staff required to do the cleaning, PPE for them and of course the sanitising equipment and goods themselves. This does not even cover the inconvenience due to the extra time it takes. If you are a business owner this extra time either reduces the trading hours of your business or increases the working hours of staff to allow for the extra time required to correctly sanitise before and after trading hours.

Is Fogging Right for your situation?

Fogging machines and canisters are seen as a way to sanitise quickly and effectively, but will it work for your office or home environment?

To determine that we first need to know how fogging works. Fogging was designed to create and disperse a disinfectant aerosol to reduce the numbers of airborne microorganisms and also to help disinfect surfaces that may be difficult to reach, such as overhead surfaces.


  • Presents a lower risk; Operatives wear full PPE and do not need to physically touch surfaces;
  • Disinfects areas that are hard to reach;
  • Takes less time to do;
  • Is effective with long lasting results (dependent on the solution used).


  • Does not clean surfaces;
  • If a surface is very dirty, it will not have the desired effect;
  • Will not focus on specific areas, such as high contact zones, that require extra attention;
  • Only as effective as the disinfectant utilized.

Fogging is beneficial as an added measure.  Adding it to your existing COVID prevention arsenal will add an extra layer of protection. Especially when you can get a fogging canister from only €9 (CLICK HERE to get it now) or rent our machine with solution for only €15 per day (CLICK HERE)

Sharing is Caring – How to keep it going!

Sending our children back to school during these times is quite scary.  We are torn between keeping our children safe and wanting them to get back to learning, living a normal life and routine.  Covid-19 has also brought into question some of the foundational virtues we have been trying to instil in our children – such as ‘Sharing is Caring’.

There is no doubt that we are in unprecedented times.  Even adults are finding it hard to choose the best and safest way forward in this difficult situation. It must be so much harder for our children; Some of whom are too young to understand the implications of what is happening around them and indeed the world.

Covid-19 has put everyone in a precarious situation.  Especially parents who are trying to tread that elusive line between informing their children of the consequences of not adhering to the guidance from the HSE and making them terrified of catching COVID-19 and putting the whole family in danger.  It is a huge responsibility for children to shoulder no matter how mature they might be.  The pressure is particularly high in homes who are caring for elderly or vulnerable people along with young children.   It is hard to find a line between letting children play and act as nature intended and protecting vulnerable family members.

Keep ‘Sharing is Caring’ going

But there is a lot more at stake than we first think…  Covid-19 is forcing us to do a u-turn on many things we have been teaching our children for years – such as caring for others and sharing.  Since birth our children have been told that ‘sharing is caring’, and now we are telling them that they must not share.  What lesson is this sudden and emphatic change of ideals teaching our children?

This is one of the reasons I am glad to let you know that ACRA is selling individually packed wet wipes and sachets of gel.  This means that if a child loses or forgets their hand sanitiser at home they have a backup, but it also means we can still allow our children to share with others.  If another child is in need of wipes or sanitiser your child can give them a packet or two of their backups without posing any risk to anyone.  Sharing is caring is an important virtue to instil.  What are we teaching our children if we abandon the ‘sharing is caring’ philosophy now?  Especially when it is possible that sharing a packet of hand sanitiser or a sanitising wipe from a backup stash might just save a life?

Get your travel pack by CLICKING HERE or get the individual sanitiser sachets by clicking here or individual wipe sachets by clicking here.

Bantry Market – we are there every Friday!

For those of you who know us, you will be well aware that we are advocates of support local.  We continually strive to provide great products at great prices with a focus on assisting local businesses.  This is one of the reasons you will now find us at the Bantry Market every Friday.

You will notice for locals that we now have a ‘Bantry Market Collection’ option on our website.  This means you can order online and collect your goods from the Market that Friday instead of paying for delivery.

At the market we provide certain products for cheaper than what we sell for in our store in Colomane.  You never know which products will be discounted on the day, but you can be sure that if you do stop by our store, a bargain is waiting.

The When and Where of Bantry Market

If you are not familiar with the Bantry Market it is held around the main square in Bantry every Friday.  On a busy day the small car park will also be bustling with activity.  The 1st Friday of the month is generally bigger than the other weeks; so if you visit on a lovely summer day on the first Friday a month you will see for yourself what all the fuss is about.

We have been a part of Bantry Market now for just over a month.  Most weeks you will find a great selection of street food stalls, tool stalls, clothing stalls along with all types of car boot style type stalls.  Generally there is at least one stall selling chickens and ducks along with fresh eggs from both and there is almost always a greengrocer stall.  Just don’t forget to stop by ACRA’s stall when you pass through and say hello.

Bantry Market can be a pleasant hour or two stroll and comes highly recommended.  Come and visit us soon.

The Benefits of Luxury Vinyl Tiles and Planks

The improvements in Luxury Vinyl Tiles (LVT) and Planks (LVP) makes it difficult to tell the difference between this product and the real alternative by sight alone. This makes them suitable for even the most discerning decorator. LVTs and LVPs are visually appealing and successfully mimic real stone, ceramic and wooden flooring.  There are many benefits to Luxury Vinyl Tiles (LVTs) and LVPs that make them suitable for almost any application.

Listed below are a few benefits of Luxury Vinyl Tiles.

Value for money

LVTs and LVPs are generally cheaper to purchase initially; And are often quicker and easier to install than other types of flooring. Designed for high-traffic rooms they are durable and suitable for tough areas.  Ultimately costing you less to maintain over time.


LVTs were designed for high traffic commercial environments. Manufactured from robust materials you can rest assured that LVTs are a high quality product that is built to last.

Eco Friendly – A less commonly known benefit of Luxury Vinyl Tiles

Many LVT designs are made from 100% vinyl and meet the green building standards commercially.


All LVTs are hard wearing and come in many different designs, with options for grip and slip resistance and water resistance making the LVT suitable for all areas of your home, including bathrooms, kitchens and stairs.


LVTs are softer and warmer than their mimicked counterparts, making it more comfortable to walk and stand on for long periods of time. If you have a pet, they will thank you for choosing Luxury Vinyl Tiles or Planks.

Sound Insulation

With an average thickness of 2mms, walking on LVTs is much quieter than most of the mimicked counterparts.


Clean LVTs easily with a mop.  LVTs require very little maintenance and are resistant to stains, ensuring your floor stays looking good. But accidents happen and sometimes part of a floor needs to be replaced. Repairing LVTs is quick, easy and cost effective.  Sold in individual packs, LVTs can easily be removed and replaced with minimum fuss and cost.

Another benefit of Luxury Vinyl Tiles – DIY Friendly

If you are up to the task of doing your own flooring, LVTs and LVPs are one of the easiest types of flooring to lay.

If you love the elegance and luxury of natural flooring materials but need value and warmth, then LVTs or LVPs are a viable solution.

ACRA Fitouts provides a wide range of LVTs and LVPs with the option for DIY or using our experienced fitters to fit it for you. If you are thinking of any type of flooring project, give us a call on +353 (0)27 55675 or email us at info@acraltd.ie to find an LVT/LVP option to suit your needs.

Or visit our showroom: the Old Creamery, Colomane, Bantry, P75 F788 to view our extensive range.

Support Local an unexpected Covid-19 benefit

Covid-19 has changed the way we live.  This change has been difficult; And many will agree saying ‘difficult’ is putting it mildly.  But what about the positive changes that Covid-19 has forced upon us?  One such benefit is the encouragement to support local businesses.

How can anyone say Covid-19 has brought us anything positive?

Covid-19 has brought us plenty of stress and in no way is the implication that it was a good thing that this ‘killer’ virus has plagued the world.  But it is here, and it seems very likely it will be with us for a while still to come.  So instead of fighting it and everything it stands for, we could instead try and turn aspects of this bad situation into something that helps us in the future.

Coughing and sneezing etiquette is one these positives.  This etiquette would be a good thing for us to continue after Covid-19 is gone.

Washing our hands and being more aware of what we touch.  Pre-Covid many of us were blissfully unaware of how many times a day we touched our face and mouth.  Being conscious of this fact can only help us in the future.

These two things might be small, but if we continue with these and other aspects we have learnt during this Covid crisis we might live healthier lives.  Obviously going to extremes, as many of us have felt the need to do during this time, is not something we should continue.  It is the extra awareness and etiquette that will be a positive take away.

Support Local Benefit

An indirect implication of Covid-19 is that we are now being encouraged to support local businesses.  Now is the time we can explore all the products and service providers we need in our immediate vicinity.  There has never been a more perfect time to get reacquainted with our local business landscape.  You might be pleasantly surprised by what you find on your doorstep.

At ACRA we have new customers coming in our doors who have never stopped by before.  Many never knew who we were, or what we do – even though we have been here for two years.  It has been really great connecting with the locals in our area, and other businesses feel the same.

On that note, while you are out and about exploring you should ensure you protect yourself and others.  Check out our Masks, Shields, Gloves and other PPE (CLICK HERE).  And, if you are near the Bantry, West Cork area, we would love to meet you – please do pop in.

Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

Covid-19 Vaccine and what it means for us today

Many scientists around the world are collaborating and sharing information about a Covid-19 vaccine.   This should ensure we have a distributable vaccine in the shortest possible time.  And with medics and scientists collaborating globally, many of these professionals are also working on different vaccines.  This means that we will also get ‘better’ vaccines much quicker; But, more importantly, this will ensure we get a variety of different vaccines available at around the same time.

Why is this so important for the Covid-19 Vaccine?

By having different vaccines, you have different ingredients and manufacturers.  This ensures that when vaccines are ready, we will have the ability to create the new vaccines in shorter times.  We will not be tied to one manufacturer who can not meet demand.  And there is a lower chance of running short of the vaccines ingredients.  Thus we will have less chance of limited ingredients pushing up the price and increasing the time it takes for the vaccine to reach our hands.

So, what is the problem?

The problem being faced at the moment is the need to do trials.  And no, the solution is not to forgo extensive trials.  There are reasons these processes are in place and we would do well to follow them.  The last thing we need is to make matters worse by providing a vaccine that could possibly cause more harm than good.

What can we do?

Now that we know that the professionals who are working tirelessly to get a vaccine to us are doing everything they can on their side; and we know that their collaboration has already shortened the time we will need to wait for a vaccine;  All we need to do is give them time to do their job.

How do we give the Covid-19 Vaccine the time it needs?

We can do this my minimising the risks we take and increasing prevention measures.  Luckily this can be done quite simply.  If you read our previous articles on masks (CLICK HERE) you will know that a mask helps prevent the spread of the virus.  Put simply this is achieved by preventing infected droplets from reaching your nose and mouth to infect you; but more importantly it prevents an individual from spreading infected droplets into the environment and infecting the people around them.

By simply adding a face shield to your arsenal of CORONA fighting weapons you are giving yourself more protection than a mask can provide.  As the face shield protects your eyes, nose and mouth from droplets, it affords you much more protection than a mask alone.

I still say you must wear a mask to protect others.  You might have the virus but be asymptomatic, and if you are, you can infect others without realizing it.  So protect yourself with a face shield (CLICK HERE) and protect others with a face mask (CLICK HERE).

Together we can help slow down the spread of the virus and give the Covid-19 vaccine the time it needs to land safely tried and tested into our hands.

Photo by Volodymyr Hryshchenko on Unsplash

Flooring update on Keeping it local with LVT Tiles

We had a great time doing the flooring for Glengarriff Pharmacy & Beauty Rooms.  The colours looked really great and the finished result seemed to modernise the building.  The chosen colours make the area look bright and fresh.  Check out some of the pictures below.

We laid the floor and as we finished, the fittings were getting done.  You will have to visit the pharmacy to see the finished product with the flooring and the fittings.  It is well worth the visit.

We are certain the new home of Glengarriff Pharmacy & Beauty Rooms will not only be a pleasant place to go, but help make you feel better (pun fully intended).

What makes this job so special to us?

There are many reasons this job was so special; such as being able to provide our skills and expertise to a fellow local business; the satisfaction of installing our flooring in a high traffic area knowing that it is the best solution.

At ACRA we pride ourselves on providing economical yet practical solutions and have strong pride in our local landscape;  So this job ticked all the boxes for us.

The perfect flooring for the job

ACRA has experience with all types of flooring, from carpets to raised floors.  We can design and lay any type of flooring you can imagine.  But our job is not to pander to what you want (although we succeed at this too), our job is to ensure you have the right flooring for the space you need covered.

While many of us change our floors for cosmetic reasons, at ACRA we treat it as not only a cosmetic change, but an investment.  This means that not only do we use good quality products at affordable prices, we also ensure that the fitted floor will stand the test of time.

We know there is nothing worse than having a beautiful floor put in that looks great for a short while but quickly deteriorates through the lack of quality or the use of the incorrect type of flooring.  Not only is this a waste of your money, but having your floor done is a huge inconvenience and involves the invasion of your office or home by contractors.  Many of whom make a mess.

Ensuring your investment

At ACRA all our floors come with a manufacturer’s warranty.  That is because we use the correct flooring for the job without compromising on the visual appeal our clients seek.  We also focus on your convenience; keeping the work area as clean and unobtrusive as possible.

Thinking of redoing your floor?  Contact us today.

Luxury Vinyl Tiles ACRA
Carpet entrance ACRA
Luxury Vinyl Tiles ACRA
Luxury Vinyl Tiles ACRA
Luxury Vinyl Tiles ACRA
Luxury Vinyl Tiles ACRA

When and Why Should I Wear a Facemask?

We see more and more people wearing facemasks. When and why you should wear a facemask is important to know.  Wearing a facemask all the time is not only pointless, it can also be unhealthy.  On the other side of the coin, not wearing it when you should puts others (and yourself) as unnecessary risk.

So when and why should you wear a facemask?

First we need to determine which individuals who should not wear masks. The HSE have provided a list of people who they deem should not wear a mask:

  • Cloth face coverings are not advised for children under 13 years of age;
  • People who have trouble breathing;
  • Individuals who are unable to remove the mask without help;
  • People with special needs who feel upset or uncomfortable wearing a face covering.

If you do not fall into any of the above categories, then you should be wearing a facemask in certain situations.

When you should wear a facemask

While wearing a facemask is important, you should not wear it all the time.  So when should you wear one?

The HSE have the following recommendation for situations where you should wear a facemask:

  • when staying 2 metres apart from people is difficult – for example, in shops, shopping centres or public transport;
  • if you are visiting a home of someone who is cocooning;
  • if you are visited in your home by someone who is cocooning.

Now we know the when, what about the Why?

Why you should wear a facemask

Many people are in confusion about the benefits of wearing facemasks.  Especially since we were originally advised not to wear them as some evidence suggested it could actually contribute to the spread of the virus.  We were also told that wearing a mask provided a false sense of security.  So why the change of tune and what should you believe now?

Apparently there were original concerns that the general public did not know how to correctly put on and take off masks.  This could cause an increase in the spread of the virus that would outweigh the benefits of wearing a mask.  There was also concern that a false sense of security by those wearing masks would reduce wearers partaking in other recommended actions to reduce the spread.  The debate was never that facemasks were not beneficial; they would not be used by medical personnel if they were not.  The debate was about the users, not the tool.  You can rest assured, that used correctly, a facemask is definitely beneficial.

Not sure how to correctly use a facemask?  No problem, we wrote an article to help you with step by step pictures you can read it by CLICKING HERE.

How does a facemask protect you

Once you understand more about the virus and how it spread (click here to read a previous article on this issue).  The benefits of wearing a mask are two fold.  It not only helps protect you from contaminated droplets entering your mouth, it also protects others from you.  Many people display only mild symptoms and if asked would never think they had COVID-19.  Unfortunately, while these people do not feel sick, they can make other sick.  If we all wear masks in the situations as recommend above, even if we feel well, it will help stop the spread of this virus.  If we all do our bit we will be able to go back to our ‘normal’ lives much quicker.

So don’t delay, get your facemask from our store (CLICK HERE) today.

Photo by Roger Bradshaw on Unsplash

Keeping It Local with LVT Tiles – ACRA Fitouts

Keeping it local

While we do work both nationally and internationally, we always enjoy doing local jobs. Being instrumental in assisting a fellow local business with our products and skills is a great pleasure.  So, we are really pleased to announce that we have been awarded the contract to install LVT (Luxury Vinyl Tiles) for Glengarriff Pharmacy & Beauty Rooms.

As many of you might be aware, Glengarriff Pharmacy & Beauty Rooms will be moving to fantastic new premises across the road from their current location. We are thrilled to be part of this exciting move. The new premises will be perfect and we look forward to having Glengarriff Pharmacy & Beauty Rooms installed and operating shortly.

What are LVT?

Luxury Vinyl Tiles are composed of a wear layer, an image layer, a resilient core and backing. They offer greater levels of durability and design than many other types of flooring.  The makeup of the Luxury Vinyl Tile allows for texture, embossing and extra design features, making it suitable for any type of area.

Why use LVTs?

Some Luxury Vinyl Tiles are 100% waterproof.  So you can wash them liberally with water and they won’t swell, buckle or lose integrity.  This makes them much easier to clean than other types of flooring that are not water resistant.   Many types of LVTs are also scratch, stain and wear resistant, making them ideal for high traffic areas.  With the variety of colours and options to choose from, there is a LVT to suit any area and all tastes.

So what LVT did our Keeping It Local client choose?

You will have to visit Glengarriff Pharmacy & Beauty Rooms when they open their new store to check that;  Our lips are sealed.  What we will say is that the floor will look great and we feel Glengarriff Pharmacy & Beauty Rooms chose the colours well.

Watch this space for before and after photos of this upcoming job.

Going Back to Work After Covid-19

Going back to work after Covid-19 can be quite scary.  We have all been living in the relative safety of our homes.  At home we have been able to live without fear of what we touch while we have been in lockdown.

But going back to work changes things dramatically.  Not only do we have to interact more closely with our colleagues and customers, we also need to deal with the potentially unseen dangers on files, papers and common areas.

We have already dealt with travelling to work (READ IT HERE).  Another previous post describes how Covid-19 is spread (READ IT HERE).  And we also covered how and why washing our hands helps (READ IT HERE).  But very few people have a private bathroom at work where they can continually wash their hands…

So how do the rest of us protect ourselves when we go back to work?

The dynamics of a working environment make going back to work post Covid-19 a risk.  There is no getting around this fact, but that does not mean we cannot substantially reduce the risk by following a few simple guidelines.

Your employer will implement general social distancing and other safety aspects so we do not need to cover them here.  We will rather focus on some less conventional precautions.

Taking extra precautions when going back to work after Covid-19

When you get to work, if you cannot leave your personal belongings in your car, ensure you put them in a place they cannot be touched or exposed to any droplets from others coughing or sneezing.  If you feel the need to put them in a plastic bag, that will work too.  Just make sure the plastic bag stays at work.  Taking it home spreads the risk of contamination to your home and family.

Use a surface sanitiser (CLICK HERE) to spray your chair, desk and other contact areas in your office.  Use paper kitchen towels to spray the surface sanitiser on so you can use it to clean your mouse, keyboard, telephone, calculator and other devices.

If your work provides clear Perspex divisions, make sure you correctly utilize this tool.  Ensure you place the division in front of where people mostly speak to you – generally directly opposite where you sit.  If you do not have a division, ensure you have clearly marked areas in line with social distancing requirements.

Have an in-tray where your colleagues and customers can place any files/documents/items to avoid possible contamination of your desk.  If possible use gloves and always ensure you sanitise your hands after dealing with any of the items.

Limit contamination points

Have an easy to sanitise working area on your desk for dealing with these items.  If you have a large calendar pad for your desk, they normally come with a plastic backing.  Remove the calendar part and use the easy to sanitise plastic backing to place these items on when you are working with them.

Do not be tempted to lean your arms on this working area/pad.  If you find you do this, push it further away from you so you lean on your desk instead.

After you have dealt with an item sanitise your hands and your pad/working area before dealing with the next item.

Ensure you keep your personal belongings off your working area/pad to prevent their possible contamination.  Always sanitise your hands before touching anything personal after dealing with something in your working area.

By doing this, you will limit potential exposure and will be keeping you, your work and home area safe.

Cover photo by Daniel Fazio on Unsplash
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